We provide a wide range of services
BIMARC is pioneer in providing BIM services for AEC industry, Our approach towards BIM is way more different than the complicated conventional methods of delivering BIM as we believe in taking BIM not as process but an art.

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Essentials of Structural BIM Services
There is a close link between realty and construction, as well as the state of the economy. Just look around the countries of the world

Difficulties While Migrating From AutoCAD to Revit
Many firms in the AEC industry have made the switch to Revit from AutoCAD, either fully or for specific projects. However, many firms haven’t yet

ArchiCAD VS Revit.Which Software to Use for BIM ?
Building Information Modelling – BIM is one of the most popular topics in construction. We can define it as a process helping us to manage

IS BIM Worth Implementing in Medium Sized Companies?
BIM has emerged as a remarkable new technology in the field of building construction. But how they can be implemented across different companies, continues to

BIM Design Vs Traditional 2D Design.
Technological advances versus the traditional – it’s an age-old dilemma. Which one is better? Well, in the case of the BIM design versus traditional 2D

BIM for Infrastructure Development
When it comes to control and keenly plan the manufacturing process details, a cost-effective software that comes handy is BIM. One can say that BIM