Many firms in the AEC industry have made the switch to Revit from AutoCAD, either fully or for specific projects. However, many firms haven’t yet made the jump. The points mentioned here are to help those who haven’t ventured down the building information modelling (BIM) road yet, or who possess the software but don’t know what to do next.
The Need to Switch
The answer to the question ‘Why Switch?’ can differ from one firm to another. However, generally speaking, most building design firms can, or will be able to benefit from Revit. The following points given highlight some of the major reasons for making the switch from AutoCAD to Revit:
• Several clients require BIM and even those who require AutoCAD files can still be accommodated when using Revit (except when they require particular AutoCAD blocks to be used). When businesses begin losing work because they are not utilising BIM in their practice they must seriously start to consider the switch.
• Document coordination and precision is enhanced, particularly when all disciplines are using Revit, i.e. Arch, Struct, MEP
• High quality presentation graphics become a by-product of the construction documents. In the AutoCAD workflow, the construction documents are one effort and the renderings another. Frequently, the project budget doesn’t account for the extra effort needed for rendering. In Revit, it’s simple to create a rendering or walkthrough animation of the model, which was created primarily for construction.
• Efficiencies in design and documentation can be enhanced when appropriate preparations have been made to switch to Revit. Several ordinary drafting steps are automated when using Revit.
Appropriate Time to Migrate
There are some challenges that you will face once the decision to switch to Revit has been made. The next question that needs to be considered is ‘When?’

Business Consideration: If an organisation hasn’t been selected for a project due to the client citing BIM as one of the deciding factors, then in this instance it may be too late to switch. Some firms might work in a niche market and can comfortably wait a few years. Whilst others that don’t currently use Revit fall somewhere between these two. Likewise, consulting firms that typically work with other design firms might need to jump into Revit if they wish to continue collaborating with those who have made a commitment to BIM already. Though Revit can link in AutoCAD files, doing so invalidates several of Revit’s benefits and features, such as beams showing up in section or an outlet in an interior elevation.
Software Considerations: As per many online CAD training institutes in Mumbai every year it becomes easier to make the switch from AutoCAD to Revit. However, only a few years ago, most organisation had to learn Revit on their own, right from the beginning. Today, it’s fairly easy to hire someone, such as professionals from online Revit training institutes who have years of experience in the software, so that it benefits your organization immensely.
For a professional with previous experience with AutoCAD, the paradigm shift is the biggest challenge. The initial project particularly is frustrating as there will be times when you just want to draw and get on with it and Revit keeps telling you to do it in a certain way. However, the fact also remains that experienced and well trained users have learnt to work with the Revit workflow and reap the benefits.